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Walking Audit


Updated: Sep 24, 2021

A Walking Audit is a community supported data collection process, of mapping issues that will help quantify the barriers that make walking a challenge for all groups of people. It will inform pilot interventions to reclaim street spaces for pedestrians.

Dates: 20th Feb - 21st Feb, 2021

Location: Malleswaram (ward 35,45,65)

Route length audited: 39kms (Footpaths + Conservancy lanes)

Number of participants: 45


The ‘walking Audit’ was conducted over weekend in the morning on an identified integrated walking network of 17 kms of roads (footpaths on both sides) and an additional 3.5 kms of conservancy lanes that cut across wards 35,45 and 65, connecting key neighbourhood destinations like markets, schools, parks, playgrounds, bus stops, metro stations, etc.

The participants in a team of two were assigned specific routes where they made a cognitive map of multiple issues that act as inhibitors, making it difficult to walk as well as positive aspects that facilitate walking. They also geo-located photographs that build evidence to support the issue. At the end of audit they filled an experience survey that captured the qualitative aspects of the experience of walking.

The detailed report can be accessed here.

The day-wise details are listed below:

20th Feb (Saturday), 7:00am -9:00am

Distance covered: 19 km,

Mapping was done at three kinds of location

  • Footpaths on both sides of the roads that come in the network of main roads and cross roads

  • Junctions along the network

  • Conservancy lanes

There were 10 routes and 20 participants in a team of two. Each team had one person mapping issues on field paper and another person clicking photographs of these issues (with geo-location on).


21st Feb (Sunday), 7:00am -9:00am

Distance covered: 20 km,

Mapping was done at two kinds of location

  • Footpaths on both sides of the roads that come in the network of main roads and cross roads

  • Conservancy lanes

There were 12 routes and 24 participants in a team of two. Each team had one person mapping issues on field paper and another person clicking photographs of these issues (with geo-location on).


27th Feb (Saturday), 6:30pm -7:30 pm

Distance covered: 17 km

The evening audit was done to capture the unlit areas and unsafe zones. There were 10 routes and 20 participants in a team of two.



Shilpa Ramaswamy | Arun B R | Nagarjun | Srilatha | Malavika | Radhika Prasad | Gunjan Lath | Uday Jayram | Dorai Vasanth Kumar | Sofana S | Angela Shabu | M. A. Sridhar | Priya Kini | Rajani G | Madhush | Vijaya Shenoy | Divyam Misra | Ayushi Agarwal | Ashwin K P | Anu AP | Chirag Patil | Siddharth Lakshman | Archana | Nagesh Ramdas | Devyani | Arun B R | Ramesh Srikant | Sagar J | Anagha | Vasudevan | Hima Bellary | Keerthana. K | Nusrath | Keerthan P | D Sudev Madhav | Sagar Jayaram | Bharath | Pratiksha Budavi | Bhavana | S. Balaji | Megha.G | Omkar Vernekar | Reema Gupta Nagesh Ramdas | Chidanand Murthy | Prerana.K | Mohammed Abid | Lathika Ambika | Shubhra Sharma | Pratiksha | Naveena Sridhar | Prerana .M | Vaibhavi S | Ashutosh | Preethika | V Chakrapani | Geetha | Denver D’Souza | Greeshma S | Zehra Rafiq | Suchitra Deep | Aparna Desraj | Krishna Panyam | Karan Prasad | Namrata | Yogada | Swathi



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